explores the intersection of power and justice;
money and accountability;
First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, and all constitutional and legal matters affecting human rights

Welcome to Money, Power, Law where I explore the intersection of power and justice; money and accountability; law and equity.
This site digs deeper into the latest cases, breaking news and politics around all things legal - from constitutional law to criminal justice to civil rights - along with hot topics, business, politics and gender equity. MPL is a small effort to share big ideas.
About the author:
Liane Jackson is an experienced attorney, journalist and lecturer who has reported for a variety of national and local television and print news outlets. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Tulane Law School, and Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism.
Liane specializes in criminal and social justice, gender and racial equity and First Amendment law. She currently serves as assistant managing editor and columnist for the ABA Journal, the flagship legal affairs magazine of the American Bar Association. She also teaches Ethics and Law at Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism.
In her spare time, Liane works with pro bono legal services organizations as a children's representative, as well as in the areas of domestic abuse, family, elder and criminal law.
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