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First and Fourmost
Analysis and news on the courts, constitutional rights, criminal and social justice

4 min read
Debates about 'freedom' and 'choice' often misconstrue democracy
Beginning in grade school, Americans learn the Pledge of Allegiance, with the last line holding particular resonance: With liberty and...

4 min read
Race to the Bottom: Guns, vigilantism and unequal 'justice'
Years ago as a TV reporter working with our chief photographer out in the field in Nashville, Tennessee, I was surprised to learn he...

4 min read
Brazen attacks on voting rights define America
It shouldn’t require a herculean effort to make it to the ballot box. Voters shouldn’t have to be heroes—surmounting obstacles,...

4 min read
Reimagining Policing: Organizations and activists help drive law enforcement change
A new administration means a new approach to justice issues in America, but it remains to be seen what actions will be taken amid clamors...

4 min read
Biden has an opportunity to reform and diversify federal courts
America’s third branch of government has been at the epicenter of the news cycle in recent years, with the death of Justice Ruth Bader...

4 min read
The Chauvin conviction shows why diverse juries matter
When it comes to convicting police officers, clear and convincing evidence is only half the battle. During former Minneapolis police...

4 min read
Balance of power: Money and inequity in the judicial system
Looking back, in many ways 2008 was a remarkable year. The United States elected its first black president; the global economy plunged...
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